Connecting a wallet

If you're not displaying the top navigation bar you'll need to have you own UI components to let the user connect a wallet, display the connected account, switch to another account, and disconnect. In this page we're describing how to use the library to perform these operations.

Sign in

When the user clicks on your 'Sign in' or 'Connect wallet' button, call the signIn() method to display the wallet selector window:


This method returns immediately. Listen to the library events to get a notification of connection.

Switch account

To let the user to change to another account, call the switchAccount() method:


This method returns immediately. Listen to the library events to get a notification of connection.


To close the current user session, call the signOut() method:


This call does not request the connected wallet to disconnect from your application, so next time the user wants to sign in he'll not need to go through the connection step. If you want to disconnect completely the wallet from your app, call the disconnect() method:


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