Customizing the top bar

While we recommend to include the top bar in your application, if you have your own Sign in and session management controls you can opt-out and hide the navigation bar. Read below how to do it. includes a navigation bar that displays on the top of the web application. It's the same navigation bar you can find on and other applications that integrate

In this top bar you always see the CSPR Products menu on the left side, and the Account menu on the right side. The rest are customizable selectors that you can choose to add or not. Most of them are customizable as we'll see in the next pages.

Hide the navigation bar

if your application already has its own Sign in and session management controls you can hide navigation bar. To do so, do not include any of the settings selector and set showTopBar to false:

const clickUIOptions = {
  uiContainer: 'csprclick-ui',
  rootAppElement: '#app',
  defaultTheme: 'light',
  showTopBar: false,

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