Currency selector

If your application supports multiple currencies, you can add to the toolbar a currency selector widget adding a CurrencySettings object to the <ClickUI> component:

const currencySettings= {
  currencies: CURRENCIES,
  currentCurrency: currency,
  onChangeCurrency: (c: any) => { setCurrency(c); },

The settings object must have a currencies property with an array containing the currencies your application can handle. Set them in the order you want to appear in the selector:

const CURRENCIES = [
        code: "USD",
        title: "US Dollar",
        type_id: CurrencyType.FIAT,
        icon: '',
        code: "EUR",
        title: "Euro",
        type_id: CurrencyType.FIAT,
        icon: '',
        code: "BTC", 
        title: "Bitcoin",
        type_id: CurrencyType.CRYPTO,
        icon: '',

Note in the image above how currencies are grouped in cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. In your list of currencies, classify them using the type_id property in one of the groups.

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